
婚纱番外Bridal Gown Extra 1 by raegao

感情最怕的就是自私,可是人的心不像纸箱会被逐渐填满,如果你爱得更多,心的容量也会变得越来越大。 Love is the most afraid of selfish, but the heart is not like a cardboard box will be gradually filled, if you love more, the capacity of the heart will become larger and larger. 当我躺在床上看着juls的睡脸的时候,我都在庆幸,我这是什么福气,怎么会和这么可爱美丽的人在一起。 As I lay in bed looking at the sleeping face of the JULS, I was glad that I was blessed to be with someone so lovely and beautiful. 我简直挑不出来她的一点点缺点。你看,她长长的睫毛,我要是一只小小的尘埃就好了,我就可以在她的眼睫毛上面滑滑梯,不不不,我不能是一只尘埃,我要是一只尘埃又怎么拥抱她呢,我还要和她一起过一辈子呢。 I can hardly pick out a single flaw in her. You see, her long eyelashes, I wish I was a little dust, I could slide on her eyelashes, no, no, no, I can't be a dust, I wouldn't hug her if I were a dust, i have my whole life to live with her. 想到这里,我就心满意足了,现在我可以给juls冠上我的姓了carvajal,多好听。 I'm happy just thinking about it. Now I can give the juls my last name, carvajal. It's beautiful. 或者给自己冠上juls的姓了,Valentina valdes也很好听呢! Or Call Yourself juls. Valentina Valdes sounds great! 不不不,还是给juls冠上我的姓好了,这样我们只要一报姓名,到哪吃饭都会有空位。 No, no, no, let's just give the Juls my last name, so that when we say our first name, there's always room for us at the table. 其实我也不想有用没用的想这么多的,可是,只要一想到juls要和我携手一生了,我就控制不住。要不是怕吵醒她,我都想要在这张床上打滚。可是打滚了我就不能这样目不转睛的看着她了,哎呀,好纠结啊。 In fact, I do not want to useless think so much, but, as long as the thought of Juls and I hand in hand for life, I can not control. I'd be rolling around in this bed if I didn't want to wake her up. But roll over I can not so fixed eyes on her, alas, good tangled AH. 看着juls脑袋上的绷带,我就气不打一处来,瑞恩竟然敢伤害我的juls,幸好我家juls智勇双全一下子戳破了她的阴谋,要不然啊,我就得嫁给那个死变态了。 Looking at the bandage on juls'head, I was furious that Ryan would hurt my juls. Luckily, my juls had both brains and brawn, or I would have had to marry that creep. 我轻轻的摸着juls抱着纱布的额头,心疼的轻轻亲吻着,安抚着,juls好香啊! I gently touched juls holding gauze forehead, heartache gently kissing, pacifying, juls good smell! 昨天晚上我要给她洗澡她还不让,非要自己洗,明明都是一模一样的洗护用品,怎么用在她身上就这么好闻啊? Last night I was going to give her a bath and she wouldn't let me. Why does it smell so good on her? 我情不自禁的凑近了去闻了闻。她的头发好香呀,眼睫毛轻轻的亲吻起来都带着甜味。我双手支撑起来上半身,凑过去,在她的嘴巴上面轻轻的偷走了一个吻。 I couldn't help but get close enough to smell it. Her hair smells so sweet, and her eyelashes taste so sweet when kissed. I put my hands on my upper body, leaned over and gently stole a kiss from her mouth.